I got the Racaptcha Module working, however, I cannot seem to get the theme parameter to work properly. My code is below. Anyone else have this same problem?
function GetInvolvedForm() {
$recaptchaField = new RecaptchaField('MyCaptcha');
$recaptchaField->jsOptions = array('theme' => 'clean'); // optional
return new Form($this, "GetInvolvedForm", new FieldSet(
// List the your fields here
new LiteralField("literalfield","<div class=\"clearfix\" style=\"margin-bottom:20px;\">"),
new CheckboxSetField("ContactTypeList","Please check the following areas for which you are contacting us:",
Dataobject::get("ContactType")->toDropdownMap("Name", "Description")
new LiteralField("literalfield","</div>"),
new TextField("NameFirst", "First Name *"),
new TextField("NameLast", "Last Name *"),
new TextField("PhoneHome", "Home Phone *"),
new TextField("PhoneCell", "Cell Phone"),
new EmailField("Email", "Email *"),
new TextField("Address", "Address"),
new TextField("City", "City"),
new DropdownField("State", "State", Dataobject::get("FormState")->toDropdownMap("StateName", "StateName"),$value = null,$form=null,$emptyOption="Select"),
new TextField("ZipCode", "Zip Code"),
new DropdownField("Province", "Province", Dataobject::get("FormProvince")->toDropdownMap("ProvinceName", "ProvinceName"),$value = null,$form=null,$emptyOption="Select"),
new DropdownField("Country", "Country", Dataobject::get("FormCountry")->toDropdownMap("CountryName", "CountryName"),$value = null,$form=null,$emptyOption="Select"),
new TextareaField("Comment", "Comment"),
new HiddenField("GetInvolvedPageID", "", $this->ID)//,
//new HiddenField ("Referrer", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])
), new FieldSet(
// List the action buttons here
new FormAction("process", "Submit")
), new RequiredFields(
// List the required fields here: "Email", "FirstName"
function process( $data, $form ) {
$submittedForm = new Contact();
//replace array commas with space after so string can return down to next line in reports
//do not use carriage returns, will cause issues with csv export
$submittedForm->ContactTypeList = str_replace(',', ', ', $submittedForm->ContactTypeList);
//iterate through ContactTypeList array for print friendly in the email
$printedContactTypeList = '<br/>';
foreach ($data['ContactTypeList'] as $k=>$v) {
$printedContactTypeList .= $v . '<br />';
$data['ContactTypeList'] = $printedContactTypeList;
//send notifcation email
$From = $this->EmailNotificationFrom;
$To = $this->EmailNotificationTo;
$Subject = $this->EmailNotificationSubject;
$email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject);
//set template
//populate template
//send mail
//return to submitted message
$url = "/get-involved-thank-you/";