When I use $Content.FirstParagraph to display the first paragraph of a blog entry, it renders links as such:
linked words[http://this.is.the url]
instead of:
<a href="http://this.is.the url">linked words</a>
I have solved this in the meantime by using $ParagraphSummary (which wraps it in a plain <p> tag, unlike First.Paragraph, and thus I prefer not to use it), which does properly parse the entry and create the appropriate <a> tag.
Is this some funkiness due to the fact that I'm using WYSIWYG editing (specified in ~/mysite/_config.php)?
When viewing the raw HTML in the admin interface, it looks as it should within an <a> tag.
I am using SS 2.4rc1 and blog-v0.3.0.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Patrick Hawley