I have encountered a most bizarre problem. I was translating the blog module, and when i was done modifying one of the existing i18n packages I realized that not everything within the blog module (at least not in the v0.4.0 that I am using) can be translated with a i18n package. For example "Read the full post" was hardcoded in the BlogSummary.ss template:
<a href="$Link" class="readmore" title="Read Full Post">Read the full post</a>
Naturally, it would be strange to have that part of the Blog untranslated so I have edited the template. And to my utter surprise nothing has changed on my website. Not even after /?flush=1. Not even after /dev/build?flush=1. Not even after restarting the computer I am using as a server for developing this website. Of course I have checked whether some other BlogSummary.ss was being loaded, from /themes or similar, but there are no other BlogSummary.ss except the one that came with the blog module. As a matter of fact "Read full post" string (as well as "Read the full post") that is displayed on my website (and it is text, not an image) now that I have replaced it with my translation does not exist in any of the files in the entire Silverstripe instalation - I've searched the whole directory.
Is there any other explanation except that I have gone insane?