Hi there,
I was wondering if it's possible, some how code wise to list the last 2-3 blog post titles on the main page, with a link to the full blog. Basically, it's acting like news tool.
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Hi there,
I was wondering if it's possible, some how code wise to list the last 2-3 blog post titles on the main page, with a link to the full blog. Basically, it's acting like news tool.
Tutorial 2 explains what you need to do to get LatestNews working but instead of using the 'ArticlePage' type you want to look at your 'BlogEntry' types.
function LatestNews($num=5) {
return DataObject::get("BlogEntry", "", "Date DESC", "", $num);
Then in your template use
<% control LatestNews(3) %>
<a href="$Link">$MenuTitle</a>
<% end_control %>
The tutorial has a bit more context / information. http://doc.silverstripe.org/tutorial:2-extending-a-basic-site#showing_the_latest_news_on_the_homepage
I use:
function LatestBlogPosts($num=5) {
$blogs = DataObject::get_one("BlogHolder");
return ($blogs) ? DataObject::get("BlogEntry", "ParentID = $blogs->ID", "Date DESC", "", $num) : false;