I want to implement infinite scrolling in the BlogHolder, I've tried this using the Infinite-Scrolling jQuery plugin found at http://www.infinite-scroll.com/ even though I follow the common instructions to setup the plugin, its not working at all. Can someone give an idea how to get it to work or give me a similar solution for Silverstripe that works(I have attached the Jquery plugin). Thank you
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I've forked infinite scroll myself in order to fix this, as we're having the same issue.
I've added an option called currPageIncrement in state, so that you can pass whatever number you need to make it work, the code is here:
Hi! Can someone help me with this? I'm getting a "Sorry, we couldn't parse your Next (Previous Posts…, and kindly ask for help at infinite-scroll.com." error and don't know how to get it work.
I think a link to the SS site using this plugin will be enough, but if you like to examine the code, here it goes.
SS 3.0.5
// infinite scroll
navSelector : "#pagination",
nextSelector : "#pagination a#next",
itemSelector : "#content article.thumb",
debug : true,
dataType : 'html',
}, function(newElements){
window.console && console.log('context: ',this);
window.console && console.log('returned: ', newElements);
<section id="content" class="PortfolioHolder">
<article class="thumb">Blah...</article>
<article class="thumb">Blah...</article>
<article class="thumb">Blah...</article>
<section id="pagination">
<a id="next" href="http://localhost:8888/hopa/portfolio/?start=4">Next</a>
I have found another solution.
Infinite Ajax Scroll
// infinite ajax scroll
container : '#content.PortfolioHolder',
item: 'article.thumb',
pagination: '#pagination',
next: '#pagination a#next',
loader: '<img src="' + $('base').attr('href') + 'themes/hopa/img/loader.gif"/>',
triggerPageThreshold: 2,
onRenderComplete: function(){ $(window).trigger('resize'); },
history : false,