I can't find the HTML for the comment form anywhere?
I've tracked down some code to cms/code/sitefeatures/PageCommentInterface.php but it's not particularly designer friendly!
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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I can't find the HTML for the comment form anywhere?
I've tracked down some code to cms/code/sitefeatures/PageCommentInterface.php but it's not particularly designer friendly!
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I've given up on this and just styled the existing code. It's not ideal though.
I'm trying to make a few small changes to the comment HTML as well.
I believe I've tracked down the correct file to edit:
However, my changes don't want to show up.
I've tried flushing the DB and the page I'm testing, but no dice.
How can I get SS to render the comments using my edited code?
Thanks for any help...
I was looking to edit the actual comment entry form itself which isn't contained in that file.
any news on that?
i would also like to edit the comments template...
I second that. Does anyone know where the comment form is stored?
I didn't actually find a template as such but I believe the sapphire code that constructs the form is found here:
Bump. Anyone?