Ok, I figured out how to swap the order of entries in the widget (newest top, oldest bottom), but despite setting it to show the 6 latest entries in the cms, all entries appear in the widget ie. more than 6.
Can anyone assist?
Here is the code:
// LatestBlogPost Widget 0.0.1 for the SilverStripe Blog Module
// 07.06.2009
// By nivanka@whynotonline.com
// Save this and LatestBlogPost.ss to widget_latestblogpost/ and run "db/build".
class LatestBlogPost extends Widget{
static $title = "Latest News";
static $cmsTitle = "Latest News";
static $description = "With this plugin you can show up the latest blog post from any blog set up on your website.";
static $db = array(
"Blog" => "Int",
"NumberOfPosts" => "Int",
//get the wanted data from the user
function getCMSFields(){
$blogs = DataObject::get('BlogHolder');
$blogsDD = array();
foreach($blogs as $blog)
$blogsDD[$blog->ID] = $blog->Title;
return new FieldSet(
new DropdownField("Blog", "Select a Blog", $blogsDD, $this->Blog ),
new NumericField("NumberOfPosts", "Number of Posts")
//get the blog posts as the parameters provided
function blogPosts(){
$posts = DataObject::get('BlogEntry', 'ParentID = ' . $this->Blog, 'Date DESC', $this->numberOfPosts);
return $posts;