I've done a search and came across one post that described the steps to take to require login to forum username for blog commenting:
I did as it suggested, adding the PageComment::set_comments_require_login(true); line to the bottom of my /mysite/_config.php, but when I reload the file to my server, my entire install gets borked. Thinking I was using the wrong _config.php, I also added it to the empty /blog/_config.php, but ended with the same issue. If I could get some help with what I could be doing wrong here, it would be appreciated.
My main direction I'm wanting to use silverstripe is to have a unified login for the site, where the members are users of the 'site' and not necessarily just the forums. Being able to require login for comment is a step in that direction, and I don't foresee any other needs beyond that at this stage. Possibly I'd like to take it into the direction similar to what the poster in the linked post was wanting as well: showing the avatars within the comments as well.
Thanks for putting together a great CMS.