I've found quite a few threads on this topic but none of them have solved my issue so I'm starting a new one. I am getting the following error when I click on my Blog RSS feed (www.mysite.com/blog/rss):
XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Everyone in the forum is saying this is because there is white space before my <?xml?> declaration-- and they're right-- there are about 4 lines of empty space at the top of the document. The problem is, I just can NOT figure out how to fix it. There are no spaces before any of my PHP tags, site- and CMS-wide, and I have removed all the closing ?> php tags from all my class files, and I am still getting the error (in FireFox and IE; Safari is fine because it converts it to HTML before displaying it).
I tried putting a trim() around practically every return or echo statement in RSSFeed.php, but to no avail. And I even tried creating a whole new BlogHolder and added a few dummy posts just to see if it was something in the actual content of the posts-- but same error. Could there actually be something wrong with the Blog module? I just don't see where anything is being output prior to OutputToBrowser(), and I don't understand the code well enough to manipulate it.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. It's driving me NUTS. I've implemented Silverstripe blogs on many occasions and have not seen this.
Thanks in advance,