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Inheritance and Classes

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3 Posts   940 Views


Community Member, 12 Posts

15 April 2015 at 11:17am


I have a module that creates a Table of Contents for a page based on the h1 through h6 tags in the content. I want to alter the function in the module that steps through the content so it only looks for h2 tags. Now I can make this work the way I wish by directly editing the function in the module but I am aware this is very bad practice.

Instead I am trying to use inheritance to overide the module function by creating a file in mysite/code with a class that extends the module function, which contains a copy of the function code modified to only look for h2 tags.

This however does not work, on the upside it is not breaking the site, and I am wondering where I am going wrong with this? If anyone has any pointers on this it would be greatly appreciated.



Community Member, 166 Posts

15 April 2015 at 1:42pm

Hi Dorsai,

If you are extending a class you will need to declare it in either a .yml or your _config.php file.

For example, if you are extending DataExtention like you would if you were adding to site config:

class CustomSiteConfig  extends DataExtension {

You would need to do the following in your _config.php:



In a .yml file:

    - 'CustomSiteConfig'

Hope that helps to solve the problem.



Community Member, 12 Posts

15 April 2015 at 3:26pm

Hey thanks for that,

Still not quite across the finish line though....

In a bit more depth, the module has this:

class Tocifier {
  private function _processDocument($doc) {
    ... code ...

in mysite/code I have a file with the following:

class MyAutoToc extends DataExtension {
 private function _processDocument($doc){
   ... altered code ...

and finally in /mysite/_config.php I have the line

Object::add_extension('Tocifier', 'MyAutoToc');

So while everything builds without error, the altered code in my function is apparentyl not superseding the original code. I feel I am missing something very basic here.
