I have an UploadField for an image that I want to validate (dimensions) before saving to the file system. I have been attempting do do this by manually creating the upload field in the DataObject's getCMSFields() method, and assigning a custom Validator to that before adding it to the CMS. To keep my question simple, I have removed all validation logic from the custom Validator.
Custom Validator
class NewsImageValidator extends Upload_Validator
public function validate()
if(parent::validate() === false) return false;
// Where my validation stuff will go
return true;
Field creation
public function getCMSFields()
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
// Manually create the image fields and attach custom validators
$articleImageField = new UploadField("ArticleImage");
$articleImageField->setValidator(new NewsImageValidator());
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $articleImageField);
return $fields;
No problems during dev/build or rendering the UploadField in the form. So what I would expect to happen above is exactly the same behaviour as if there were no custom validator at all. E.G. If I added a illegal file, standard behaviour is to display "File extension not allowed" on the UploadField without the upload process even triggering. Which I confirmed using a bogus file "bogus.dump".
Instead, with the Validator added, what happens is the file upload process, and I simply get "Forbidden" message added to the UploadField.
Any Ideas what I'm doing wrong? Is there a known defect? The docs aren't much help and examining this use of an Upload_Validator, I seem to be doing everything exactly the same.