I would like a CMS user to be able to mark one certain page type "featured". I'm assuming in the model you would add a field to the $db array called something like 'IsFeatured' => 'Boolean' and make the default value 'false'. Then you would add a new checkboxfield somewhere within the Root.Content.Main tab. But I only want at most one item in the entire site to be marked as a featured item. So how would I make sure that when I save that any previously marked item is deselected? And I need to differentiate between saving Live and for Draft as well, correct?
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Still trying to figure this out, anyone have any ideas? Is there some onSave method where you can add custom functionality to the default CMS behavior?
You need a custom attribute
onAfterWrite did the trick. http://www.silverstripe.org/general-questions/show/273211