Working with SS 2.3.2. Built a custom class to display contests.
Each contest needs to have a special reporting function which does the following:
> Displays users who submitted entries
> Ability to output results as CSV.
> Report is ONLY for this specific contest (i.e.; an individual instance of the contest class).
What is the best way to accomplish this?
A) Override SSReport to include a dropdown allowing selection of the contest to report on, and include a button to export to CSV.
If this is the best way, can anyone point me to existing code which overrides SSReport and provides custom controls for filtering and/or button actions?
B) Provide a new button on the CMS contest admin page which generates the CSV report.
If this is the best way, can you point me toward code which creates a custom button on a CMS form to perform an action?
Having trouble locating either code solution on any of the usual SS resource sites.
Appreciate any assistance - thanks in advance.