At the moment I have a site running on my selfbuild cms, but i want to migrate to SilverStripe.
Now I need some functionality ported to SilverStipe.
I have a weekly newsletter that i upload to a database table. It's pretty simple a id, date, comment field and a blob field containg the pdf file. This can only be done by some users and when uploaded a mail is send to all subscribers.
Uses can list all newsletters on a single page.
But based on the same principle is have another table with pdf's that are also periodically uploaded. So i should be a single module, but with multiple "repositories".
Can somebody help met with this. Where do I start. Are there good howto's available that have information on how to do something like this?
I have some more functionality that needs to be ported, but when I have done this i think I could do the rest too.