Kia ora, bros! :)
I'm writing a kind of »order management«/crm-system where a shop owner can add an order (via ModelAdmin). This order is an extended DatObject where I added several fields.
When creating a new order (and an unique order id is generated) I want to have some kind of »print button« right beside the Back/Delete/Save-Buttons. I guess Aram's tutorial ( will do the job.
Now for the tricky part: What is the best method for generating the print view? I want to print an order receipt with the data added before, in a nice layout and some (generated) images (for example a QR Code built with the Google Charts API) and of course the data. I could build a separate HTML-Page for the print layout – but how would I dynamically generate that page in a pop-up window?
Can someone help me with a »strategy« or a hint, how to achieve this functionality? Would be great to hear from you guys!
Kind regards from Germany,