this is my first post in SS forums. I'm quite new programmer and for SS as well.
I'm building my first web and i have some troubles with checkbox field. Everything looks good, but the problem is in CMS. If i check the value "DominaKeitimas" and do "save and publish" everything works except checkbox field in CMS. Somehow CMS do not save checked value in CMS, but in database and web it works perfectly. Search gives me everything i need and dataobject as well. So my question is: what did i do wrong and how to solute this issue?
some code...
class NTObjektas extends Page{
static $db = array( 'DominaKeitimas' => 'Boolean');
public static $has_one = array("Objects" =>"Object");
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Info', new CheckboxField('DominaKeitimas', 'Domina keitimas', 1));
/* some code */
return $fields;
class NTObjektas_Controller extends Page_Controller{
p.s. sorry for my broken english.