I'm about to receive a freshly developed Silverstripe site, unfortunately the developers don't feel it is in the scope of the original project description to have an email sent to the site administrator on every 404 error...so I'm doing it myself, which is fine. My problem is, I can use Debug::send_errors_to('me') to have HTTP 500 sent to me, but not 404s. I don't want to hack the site too much, so I'm hoping there is a nice little directive that means I get a nice little:
404 Error
Source: http://www.whatever.com/FrontPage
Destination: http://www.whatever.com/MissingPage
Can anyone help me, or will I need to hack the published 404 page via .htaccess and PHP (or something similar) to trigger the email? If I need to hack, if anyone has done it before, would appreciate a copy and paste of the .htaccess and PHP bits, to save me some time.
Also, is there a way to change the From address of the error from send_errors_to() other than hacking the Debug.php file?
P.S. For another 404 question, see: http://silverstripe.org/customising-the-cms/show/259763