Background: I've seen a few posts around using SimplePie and the RestfulService that show how to present RSS feed items on pages, and have seen WillR's response nearly a year ago for how to insert RSS entries as blog posts (http://silverstripe.org/archive/show/187016#post187016).
Situation: I'm trying to grab a news feed and create pages from it (it's a stock news feed, but I'd like to be able to use it with any RSS feed). I have a FeedHolder class that shows a list of FeedEntry items (these are the pages I want to create), and have set it up so they can be manually created in the CMS.
Problem: I understand that I need to first pull in the feed, then insert each feed as a page, but I'm getting a bit confused with his example and can't see how it should be creating entries. Once I get it creating entries, I'd like to call it every so often to update the entries from the feed.
WillR's code from the aforementioned post:
$feed = new RestfulService("URL OF RSS FEED");
$conn = $feed->connect('');
$msgs = $feed->getValues($conn, "status");
$output = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($msgs as $msg){
foreach($feed as $feedItem) {
$blog = new Blog_Entry();
$blog->Title = "This is the Title"; // should come from $feedItem
$blog->setDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()));
$blog->publish("Stage", "Live");
$blog->Author = "Author";
$blog->Content = $feedItem->Content;
$blog->ParentID = DataObject::get_one('BlogHolder')->ID;
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or even better show me what needs to be done to get it working?