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Grouping CheckboxsetField by ParentID (or adding headings or dividers?)

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2 Posts   872 Views


Community Member, 136 Posts

15 October 2014 at 5:11am

I'm trying to find a way to make a large CheckboxsetField display friendlier. Ideally I'd like to group them by their ParentID (with a divider, or even better, the title of each Parent ID over each set). Is there any (relatively simple) way to do something like that?

The CheckboxsetField is a collection of pages of a particular pagetype (Category) so they all have a ParentID Title


Community Member, 107 Posts

23 October 2014 at 12:45am

Hi Neil

the best option will be create custome field by extending CheckboxSetField, like below

class MyCheckboxSetField extends CheckboxSetField{
* @todo Explain different source data that can be used with this field,
* e.g. SQLMap, ArrayList or an array.
public function Field($properties = array()) {
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/CheckboxSetField.css');
your code here
$properties = array_merge($properties, array('Options' => new ArrayList($options)));
return $this->customise($properties)->renderWith($this->getTemplates());

Also create template file.

for more info, go to framework/forms/CheckboxsetField.php and see how it is done