I am trying to make a searchForm in my website, but on some keywords, it doesn't work properly.
Here is the structure :
The search form is displayed on the home page.
1 Agence can have many AgenceParis and many Ville.
1 AgenceParis can have one Agence and many Ville.
1 Ville can have one Agence and one AgenceParis.
_______________> Ville
Agence / /
\ _____> AgenceParis /
In the Agence.php I defined :
static $has_many = array (
static $searchable_fields = array(
// 'Ville.codepostal',
In the AgenceParis.php :
static $has_many = array (
static $has_one = array (
static $searchable_fields = array(
// 'Ville.codepostal'
In the Ville.php :
static $has_one = array (
static $searchable_fields = array(
// 'Ville.codepostal'
And now this is how I define the search engine in Page.php :
function SearchForm() {
$context = singleton('Ville')->getDefaultSearchContext();
$fields = $context->getSearchFields();
$actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('doSearch', 'ok'));
$form = new SearchForm($this, "SearchForm", $fields, $actions);
return $form;
public function doSearch($data, $form) {
$context = singleton('Ville')->getDefaultSearchContext();
$results = $context->getResults($data);
return $this->customise(array(
'Results' => $results
))->renderWith( array ('Page_results', 'Page'));
To resume.
I got many Agences which owns many Villes. (cities)
But for Paris, I got severals Agences. So for the Agences named Paris I got several AgenceParis which each owns Villes (cities).
When I do a search on a city of an agency the result is ok
(ex: Aubagne dépend de l'agence "Marseille") Aubagne is the city and the keyword and Marseille is the Agency)
When I do a search on a AgenceParis of an agency, the result is also ok
(ex : Versailles & alentours dépend de l'agence "Paris et Ile de France") Versaille & alentours is the AgenceParis, Versaille is the keyword and Paris et Ile de France is the Agency
But when I do a search on a city of an AgenceParis, this look like :
(ex : Elancourt dépend de l'agence "" and this link points to http:///) elancourt is a ville wich depend on a Agence Paris.
I don't really know what is wrong in my code.
Thank you for helping me.