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Customising the CMS /

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Get all versions of the current page

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4 Posts   2347 Views


Community Member, 47 Posts

13 November 2009 at 2:51am

Hello everybody,
I'm creating a module and I want to show the versions of the current page. So I wrote the function to get the data. I checked the output with Debug::dump(). It seems to be the right versions. But how can I render this data with a specified template?

At the beginning of loading my cms form the function, which I retrieve the data, will called. The data shall show under my specified tab. But I only get the word 'array'. Furthermore I also add a template, which is called IncludeObjects_version, for rendering my retrieved data.

In the following paragraph I will post my function getCMSFields() and my function versions() to retrieve the data.

public function versions() {
$page = DataObject::get_by_id('IncludeObjects', $id);
if ($page) {
$versions = $page->allversions();
return array(
'Versions' => $versions,

public function getCMSFields($id) {

$fields = new FieldSet(
new TabSet('Root',
new Tab('Content',
new TabSet('Option',
new Tab('Main',
new TextField('IncludeName', _t('IncludeObjectsAdmin.INCLUDENAME','Name'),""),
new TextareaField('IncludeDescription', _t('IncludeObjectsAdmin.INCLUDEDESCRIPTION','Description'),""),
new HTMLEditorField('IncludeContent', _t('IncludeObjectsAdmin.INCLUDECONTENT','Content'),""),
new HiddenField('IncludeUser', _t('IncludeObjectsAdmin.INCLUDEUSER','CurrentUser'), $this->getCurrentMember())
new Tab('Log',
new ReadonlyField('ID','Include ID', $id),
new ReadonlyField('LastModifiedUser','Last User', $this->getLogData($id, 'IncludeUser')),
new ReadonlyField('Created', 'Created', $this->getLogData($id, 'Created')),
new ReadonlyField('LastEdited', 'Last Modified', $this->getLogData($id, 'LastEdited')),
new ReadonlyField('LastVersion','Current Version', $this->getLogData($id, 'CurrentVersion'))
new Tab('Versions',
new CustomHTMLField('Versions', $this->versions($id))
new Tab('Settings',
new ReadonlyField('Publish-Date','Publish-Date', '01.01.2010'),
new ReadonlyField('Owner','Owner','webteam'),
new ReadonlyField('Approval','Approval', 'Jens Armbruster')
))) );

if(self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) {

$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);

return $fields;


Many thanks for your help!


Community Member, 22 Posts

13 November 2009 at 4:38am

Do you want to render a DataObjectSet with an template file to a tab in your backend?

public function versions($id) { 
  $page = DataObject::get_by_id('IncludeObjects', $id); // dataobject set 
  if ($page) { 
   $versions = $page->allversions(); 
   return array( 
      'Versions' => $versions, 

new Tab('Versions', 
new CustomHTMLField('Versions', $this->versions($id)) 

What does CustomHTMLField do?

Best, Bjoern


Community Member, 47 Posts

13 November 2009 at 5:01am

Hi bschmitt,

This is exactly what I want to do. The CustomHTMLField is a simple own developed formfield. It just returns the given string parameter (I'm using it for inserting simple html to a form).

I think the reason of my problem is, that SilverStripe doesn't render the incoming data with the given template.

Can someone give me a hint, how to add the DataObject to the new Tab() that it get's rendered with a given template?

Best regards,


Community Member, 904 Posts

13 November 2009 at 6:04am

You must override the Field method of your custom Field. This might look like this:

function Field() {
	return $this->renderWith('MyTemplate');