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DataObjectManager Module /

Discuss the DataObjectManager module, and the related ImageGallery module.

Moderators: martimiz, UncleCheese, Sean, Ed, biapar, Willr, Ingo, swaiba

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297 Posts   102011 Views


Community Member, 54 Posts

20 March 2010 at 2:04am

@UncleCheese... im using 2.3.6 in that site and is not working either... not sure if that changes anything... btw.. how you use a specific version in subversion? im using just trunk (maybe something is different there... or dom is being compatible with 2.4 not 236?)
i will update to 237 now.


Forum Moderator, 4102 Posts

20 March 2010 at 3:46am

I've created a branch for 2.3.. Here's the URL:

svn co

Please confirm that this version is working in 2.3? It's a copy of r375, so I can't imagine there will be any problems.

2.4 will remain on the trunk.

Working on the JS issues. Silverstripe upgraded to jQuery 1.4.2 in this latest beta, which is great news, but there will be some dependencies to negotiate now.

Thanks for your continued testing! It saves me a ton of time.


Community Member, 15 Posts

20 March 2010 at 3:54am

r375 resolves my drag and drop re-ordering problem, thanks a bunch UncleCheese you utter legend!

(at the risk of being off topic and being a PITA, could you point the way to a branch for the event module that works with 2.3.x as well - this is of course based on the assumption that it's a similar problem)

thanks again


Forum Moderator, 4102 Posts

20 March 2010 at 4:35am

You mean EventCalendar? That's not 2.3 compatible?


Forum Moderator, 4102 Posts

20 March 2010 at 4:37am

Francisco, where is the SimpleTinyMCEField failing for you? How can I replicate the bug?


Community Member, 15 Posts

20 March 2010 at 5:01am

> You mean EventCalendar? That's not 2.3 compatible?

Sorry, should have tested before asking turns out the problem with DOM was also causing the problem with EventCalendar - it's now playing nice, thanks!


Community Member, 1 Post

12 April 2010 at 12:16am

Hi UncleCheese,

fixed issue when searching uploaded files under "files & images" (AssetManager.php)
I attached a patch to the following ticket



Community Member, 12 Posts

15 April 2010 at 12:52pm

I've just updated my ss to 2.4rc1 and also got the trunk version of DOM.
After the update to make it work I had to change the following (core/DataObjectManager.php:647):

foreach($this->parent->permissions as $perm) {


$permissions = $this->parent->permissions;
foreach($permissions as $perm) {

Otherwise I had this: ERROR [Notice]: Indirect modification of overloaded property ManyManyDataObjectManager::$permissions has no effect

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