I would like to delete the membership part of the ecommerce module - i would like to delete the account login, the password form in the checkout page and anything that refers to the membership part.
please help...
any suggestions would be much appreciated
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deleting membership part of ecommerce module
Hi mate,
This form is built using Silverstripe's form class. You will find the code in /ecommerce/code/OrderForm.php. You will need to remove the form building code relating to those fields from there.
Then in /ecommerce/code/CheckoutPage.php, function processOrder() does all the processing including logging the user in.
This is going to require a bit of playing around on your part in these two files, as the Orders have a has_one relationship with Members. So you won't be able to just take the fields away and have your checkout work.
You might be better off explaining what exactly you are trying to do (sounds like a membership free checkout). You might find that someone has already done this and will share the code.