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Security Group -> Forum Members, How to use another group for forum

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6 Posts   2467 Views


Community Member, 178 Posts

4 June 2010 at 5:59am

OK, I have my forum running under a page that is restricted to a security group that I have created called 'professionals'.
Can I have the forum use this group rather than the default 'Forum Members' group?
If not I imagine I can use the default for my Professionals and remove the 'professionals' group.

In either case can I create the signup form outside of the forum sitestructure (I need my members to apply for membership from the sites top level)

I thought I saw something about this sometime back but can't seem to locate it now.??


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

4 June 2010 at 11:58am

The group which forum members are registered to is hard coded to a group with the code - forum-members (line 449 ForumMemberProfile.php) so you won't be able to easily register the member to another group. I have made a ticket to look into this issue

You could always rename the Forum Members group to 'Professionals' as long as you don't change the code (viewable in the database) you'll be fine.


Community Member, 178 Posts

5 June 2010 at 7:10am

ok, I will try renaming the group (and removing the one I created), and test if my login still works (using this method for group based redirection:

Now, I need to know if the registration form for the forum can be used out side of the forum page and forum holder (the only 2 page types I have listed that relate to the forum).

This would seem to be a very related issue to the hardcoded user group, since like in my case if your security restricts entry to the group unless logged in, you generally have 2 options: to login, or to register so you can login. Currently I can login, but I have no way of presenting a login form???


Community Member, 178 Posts

5 June 2010 at 10:12am

Edited: 05/06/2010 10:18am

OK, so renaming the security group to professionals, and resetting the page security settings seems to have worked, and I added a link to the register page () to my menu and that is loading without being secured (perfect!)

Now I have an error when I try to post to the forum:

[User Error] Uncaught Exception: Object->__call(): the method 'getforumthread' does not exist on 'Forum_Controller'
GET /professionals/forums/general-discussion/show/2?start=0

Line 724 in C:\vhost\newsite\httpdocs\sapphire\core\Object.php

If I go back... I see that the post is now in the forum??


Community Member, 178 Posts

6 June 2010 at 2:51am

Edited: 06/06/2010 3:34am

Well... seems like it was an easy fix.. I updated from SVN and fixed..
I am running the trunk (not sure why I went that route).

ADDITION: well I spoke to soon.. now the registration forum doesn't work... but I see why I went for the trunk (I am running 2.4) so I will leave this for some time.. hope for a stable 2.4 release soon.


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

6 June 2010 at 11:27am

DsX I just tested registration quick on trunk and it appears to work for me. Did you get an error message?