Hi all :)
I've been trying for sometime to get DataObjects and CustomSiteConfig to work in 2.4. Is it even possible or am I wasting my time?
I have it working in the Admin where I can add dataobject items to the site config and it saves/works fine.
The problem is how do I call it from the Template? I've tried all sorts of variations as can be seen from my code below.
Am I missing something obvious?
<% control FooterItems %>
<% end_control %>
<% control SiteConfig.FooterItems %>
<% end_control %>
<% control MyFooters %>
<% end_control %>
class FooterItem extends DataObject {
static $db = array(
'FooterText' => 'Text',
'FooterLink' => 'Text'
static $has_one = array(
//'FooterImage' => 'Page_Image',
'MyFooter' => 'CustomSiteConfig'
function MyFoom() {
return DataObject::get( 'CustomSiteConfig', "`MyFooterItemID` = '{$this->ID}'" );
function getCMSFields_forPopup() {
$fields = new FieldSet();
$fields->push( new TextField('FooterText', 'Text' ) );
$fields->push( new TextField('FooterLink', 'Link' ) );
return $fields;
CustomSiteConfig .php
class CustomSiteConfig extends DataObjectDecorator {
function extraStatics() {
return array(
'db' => array(
'has_one' => array(
'has_many' => array(
'MyFooter' => 'FooterItem',
public function updateCMSFields(FieldSet &$fields) {
$manager = new DataObjectManager(
'FooterText' => 'Text',
'FooterLink' => 'Link'
$manager->setAddTitle( 'a new location' );
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Footer', $manager );