Awesome! It works!
Thanks for clarifying that. I used Webdoc's code but put it in mysite/code/homepage.php
The filename of mysite/code/homepage.php doesn't have to match the layout filename themes/mytheme/templates/layout/ right?
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Awesome! It works!
Thanks for clarifying that. I used Webdoc's code but put it in mysite/code/homepage.php
The filename of mysite/code/homepage.php doesn't have to match the layout filename themes/mytheme/templates/layout/ right?
No, the filename can be anything. The file itself can be almost anywhere. The project dir can be renamed (from mysite) through the _config.php $project variable.
Templates can be stored in either a theme (themes/<themename>/templates/) or the module (your project is technically a module too! - <mysite>/temlpates)
Just the class name and the template filename must match.
eg. if for instance you had themes/yourtheme/templates/, then this would be used as the 'main' template, the 'Layout' would then be HomePage or Page, but only if there is a $Layout var present in the 'main'.
In this way templates sort of mirror the class heirarchy in the manner they're searched for/used.
It can be all a bit confusing when you're just getting used to it, but it makes a lot of sense once you do :)