Just trying to set a custom template for a TextField. It seems that you can specify a custom template, along the lines of:
TextField::create('MyTextField')->setTitle('My Field')->setTemplate('MyCustomTextFieldTemplate');
Where I have MyCustomTextFieldTemplate.ss in themes/mytheme/templates/formfields/MyCustomTextFieldTempate.ss.
Now, as far as I can determine, this will never be used. I get as far as
In here it actually locates my custom template as part of the theme. However, it states in comments that any of the other potential templates that are found in the project will trump the theme. Fair enough. However, just at the end of that method when it has my template in the $found array, it works through the array and removes any templates it found in the theme or project and returns an empty array.
So, essentially, it is working at locating the custom array in the theme - finds it - then just throws away any templates it found in both theme and project.
Is there a point to that?
Version is 3.1.12