I have upgraded a 2.4.13 instance to 3.0.3 and most of it went fine. I even spent a few days updating the website with v3.0.3. Then suddenly, I started getting JS errors such as "Enumerable is not defined" or "Class is not defined".
I then moved on today to 3.0.14, the latest version on the 3.0 branch.
Now, I am facing a "Ajax requests to this URL require an X-Pjax header." in the Firebug console. I have tried everything I could think of, clearing caches, etc. to no avail. When this error occurs, I can no longer access tabs other than the tab (Root.Content) on which the CMS opened the page: I can't reach Translation, Settings or any other tab.
Has anyone ever met this problem? How did you fix it?
I'm running SilverStripe on a CentOS 6.7 with the latest officially supported Apache and Mysql, and with php55w that I had to install from a third-party repository due to the officially supported PHP version having reached eol.
Thanks for any insights into this because the editing capability is essentially now limited.