I decided to report this in a different form as it's not a template question per-se but perhaps a framework question.
I have upgraded a dev site to 3.2.1 and also taken Userforms to a similar 3.1 release.
I tend to override my userforms templates in my theme directory but now they all have a UserForms prefix and even copying them en-masse to my template directory does not make them get used as per the evidence in showtemplate=1 . They are in the manifest though eg:
}s: 22: "userformsdropdownfield";a: 2: {
s: 4: "main";s: 66: "/home/ss/public_html/userforms/templates/UserFormsDropdownField.ss";s: 6: "themes";a: 1: {
s: 5: "pulse";a: 2: {
s: 5: "forms";s: 75: "/home/ss/public_html/themes/pulse/templates/forms/UserFormsDropdownField.ss";s: 9: "userforms";s: 79: "/home/ss/public_html/themes/pulse/templates/userforms/UserFormsDropdownField.ss";
I can only get the copies in use by deleting the orginals. Of course I cannot rely on that sort if thing if I am to use composer to deploy.
I also noticed that if I put the templates in /mysite then they are used, but not when placed in /themes/mytheme-userforms or themes/mytheme.
So, how do I override Userform 3.x templates?
Postscript. I believe the template position in the new Userforms 3.x module is incorrect, therefore preventing overriding them without replicating it and destroying previous template practice which was to replicate the folder structure in framework, whereby the main form element (Form.ss) is in templates/Includes but the rest are in templates/forms
The Userforms module puts all its templates in the root of its templates directory meaning that correct form structure replication in my site templates fails. This will be raised as an issue