Hello Guys
I wanted to create search event form on website front end, so my user can search events by entering two date (from and to).
I have created class called events which have fields (Title, StartDate, EndDate).
I already followed steps mention here but I am
not able to modified as per my requirement. Please help me to find out quick solution.
Thanks in advance.
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Hey VPull,
Here's a way to get you going..
public function yourfunction(){
$event = Event::get();
$startdate = "2016-02-15"; /** so this would be $data["StartDate"]; **/
$enddate = "2016-02-20"; /** this would be $data["EndDate"]; **/
$event = $event->where('("Event"."StartDate" >= \'' .date('Y-m-1', $startdate). '\' AND "Event"."EndDate" <= \'' .date('Y-m-t', $enddate). '\')');
return $event;
Thanks for you reply, but this code does not work with my requirement.
The easiest way often takes a long time to come up to.
Thank you for providing a code. I needed it.