I have this test link at . When I remove "index.php" the site doesn't load properly. I tried adding "RewriteBase /~barrel12" to ".htaccess" file, but that didn't work either. What am I missing here?
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the index.php fakes the mod_rewirte sending everything to main.php. I'm not able to help that much more, but you are onthe right path to ensure url rewriting is happening correctly.
@swaiba - thanks for the reply.
Are you using the .htaccess file that comes with the Silverstripe Installer (there is an up to date version here: https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-installer/blob/3.4.0/.htaccess)?
If so then you may find that Mod Rewrite is disabled on your hosting (might be worth contacting your hosting provider or checking your apache config)?