Thank you for your anwers.
I have tried it with your example, but it does not work. Nothing apperas just like my own code.
I have flushed like a mad-man but it does not help at all. The PageType class is called "ServicePage.php" like so:
class ServicePage extends Page {
private static $db = array(
private static $has_one = array(
'SummaryImage' => 'Image'
private static $has_many = array(
private static $many_many = array(
'CarouselImages' => 'Image'
public function getCMSFields(){
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Carousel', UploadField::create('CarouselImages', 'Carousel pictures'));
return $fields;
class ServicePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
The SS file should be in the same scope. It is called "ServicePage.ss".
Do you guys have any other suggestions to what is wrong? I'm out of ideas :P Thanks again.