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MenuTitle instead of title in breadcrumbs

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3 Posts   1705 Views


Community Member, 141 Posts

28 May 2010 at 1:39am

I want to display in breadcrumbs the navigation links nstead the title of that page (all titles are pretty long and to navigate I prefer to use the navigation ;)

I found that in the archive:
Unfortunately it doesn't work. i changed
SiteTree.php breadcumbs()

$parts[] = ("<a href=\"" . $page->Link() . "\">" . Convert::raw2xml($page->Title) . "</a>"); 

$parts[] = ("<a href=\"" . $page->Link() . "\">" . Convert::raw2xml($page->MenuTitle) . "</a>"); 

That post was 2 year old. Is there something new to v2.4 I have to change?


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

29 May 2010 at 4:21pm

You should never edit anything in sapphire/ or cms/ (if you can avoid it) since it'll make upgrading annoying!

What you can do in the breadcrumbs case is copy the SiteTree::breadcrumbs() function to your Page.php file and customize it as much as you want!


Community Member, 141 Posts

30 May 2010 at 12:22am

Hi Willr. Thanks for that. I didn't thought of this way since I am not that familiar with OOP. But you are right, that is much better! And works.
