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docs disapearing from

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4 Posts   1226 Views


Community Member, 203 Posts

5 June 2010 at 6:52am

When using google search for LimitWordCount I came across two links I knew that existed but for the love of god I could not find them.

However, after clicking the links I discovered the pages where no longer there. I can not understand why. If they are going to be removed in new versions please leave the explanation and add a note because there are people still using older versions of the software. And I might be wrong here, but I have the feeling this is not the first time.

This is not just about these specifik pages. The whole documentation is ... not good, it is a mess. Things are already very hard to find. But when also the pages that reference certain functions start disapearing it gets worse.

Is there anything that can be done about this? Can the community do anything about this? Good documentation is the key to success here, IMNHO.

Thank you for listening!


Community Member, 135 Posts

5 June 2010 at 1:26pm

The information you were searching for is now here:

The Silverstripe documentation has moved to, replacing the old docs. I think a big point of the new api is to have neat and thorough documentation. It's addressing the problems you point out about the old documentation. I think this is a huge step forward for Silverstripe

Here is the Announcement about the new API:


Community Member, 203 Posts

6 June 2010 at 5:46am

This looks good! I love you guys!


Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

6 June 2010 at 11:43am

The API + Documentation is one area that Ingo has been doing alot of work recently! He's leading the charge towards tidying it up so it's likely your see a few things moved around for the next while. See ingos blog post for more information / discussion -