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Help with displaying HasManyComplexTableField data on frontend

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Community Member, 2 Posts

5 August 2010 at 1:32pm

I'm trying to filter data objects to display on the front-end of my home page. I created three functions within my HomePage controller to filter categories. However nothing is displaying on the frontend. My code below:


class Resource extends DataObject {
	static $db = array (
		'Name' => 'Text',
		'FileName' => 'Text',
		'Category' => "Enum('Program Details, Photograph Collections, Videos')"
	public static $has_one = array(
		'MyPage' => 'HomePage'

	public function getCMSFields_forPopup() {
		$fields = new FieldSet();
		$fields->push( new TextField( 'Name', 'Name' ) );
		$fields->push( new TextField( 'FileName', 'File Name' ) );
		$fields->push( new DropdownField('Category','Category', singleton('Resource')->dbObject('Category')->enumValues()) );
		return $fields;


class HomePage extends Page {

	public static $db = array(
	static $has_many = array (
		'Resources' => 'Resource'
	function getCMSFields() {
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields();

		$tablefield = new HasManyComplexTableField(
				'Name' => 'Name',
				'FileName' => 'File Name',
				'Category' => 'Category'
		$tablefield->setAddTitle('A Resource');

		$fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Content.Resources', $tablefield );
		return $fields;
class HomePage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

	public function ProgramDetails() {
		return $this->Level(1)->Resources("Category = 'Program Details'");
	public function PhotographCollections() {
		return $this->Level(1)->Resources("Category = 'Photograph Collections'"); 
	public function Videos() {
		return $this->Level(1)->Resources("Category = 'Videos'");

<% if ProgramDetails %>
	<% control ProgramDetails %>
	<% end_control %>
<% end_if %>
