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Solved: Reusing image file from Image.SetWidth

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4 Posts   1541 Views


Community Member, 59 Posts

22 July 2010 at 9:56pm

Edited: 22/07/2010 10:11pm

Hi All,

I'm creating a basic gallery for a site, where the admin of the site just uploads images into a specific folder, and they're displayed on a page. I don't the site owner to have to do anything else.

I've attempted using the Image.SetWidth to generate thumbnails, that works okay and a resized image is saved in assets which is fine. I then expect it to reuse it, but it doesn't, it regenerates the thumbnail everytime the page is viewed. The test server I'm using is slowing down to a crawl every time I view the page, the final site will be on shared hosting as well, and I don't want this page to interrupt other clients. Is there a way to tell it to look for an already resized version before regenerating thumbnails?


Community Member, 59 Posts

22 July 2010 at 10:10pm

doh, I read through the source code, it was because '?flush=1' was in the URL


6 Posts

4 August 2010 at 9:25am

Edited: 04/08/2010 9:27am

Hi StuM,
I'm very new to SS and I have implemented a basic image gallery similiar to your.
It works well and I would like to share my code with you. I don't know if my code is ok.. mabe could be better..


class ApartmentsPage extends Page {
	static $db = array();
	static $has_one = array();

	function Galleria() {
		$object = new stdClass();
		if ($handle = opendir($path)){
			$path = substr($path,3);
			while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
					$object->$i = File::find($path.$file);
		return $object;

class ApartmentsPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

<% control Galleria %>
	<span style="float: left;padding: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px;"><a href="$URL">
	<% control CroppedImage(100,100) %>
		<img src="$URL" />
	<% end_control %>
<% end_control %>

I'm "reading" all jpg files inside Assets/Appartamenti/<Page Title>/ , creating the object of the reading result and passing it to the control on the ss template.
Don't know if is ok or not... but it works..


6 Posts

4 August 2010 at 10:03pm

Just learned something new and definitely better:

return DataObject::get("Image", "ClassName <> 'Folder' AND ParentID = (SELECT ID FROM File WHERE ClassName = 'Folder' AND Name = '".$this->Cartella_Immagini."')");