Welcome to the SilverStripe forums! These forums are a place for everyone to share their ideas and questions about the SilverStripe framework, it's modules and general questions related to developing or working with SilverStripe.
Here are a few starting guidelines about posting on the forum:
Common problems (Server error, white screen)
If you encounter the dreaded 'Server error' or the 'white screen of death' while working with SilverStripe, ensure your site is running in 'dev' mode (http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/topics/debugging#dev-mode) and check your PHP error logs for the actual error behind the blank page.
A more complete list of common problems is available at http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/installation/common-problems.
Posting bugs and broken pages on SilverStripe.org
Whoops! Sometimes things go a little astray, so if you run into issues while using this site, we apologise. Please get in touch with us via the feedback form http://silverstripe.com/feedback/, and we will get on it ASAP.
Posting software bug reports
Have you run into an issue with the cms, framework or one of the modules? If it is related to one of the 'core' modules (supported by SilverStripe Ltd) the best place to report bugs is to raise an issue on the specific github repository. For example, CMS bugs should be raised at http://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-cms, Framework bugs to http://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework. If the module is community-supported please consult the module's README file for instructions.
Always check (via a search) to see if the bug has been reported previously. Otherwise your issue will be closed as a duplicate. If it's broken in the stable release, try the "master" branch and see if the error still occurs.
Always provide as much information as possible in the report. Full error messages (with Backtraces), Version of the code and what software you are using.
Posting bugfixes or features
Patches, features or code changes for SilverStripe or any of the modules’ should be directed to their respective github.com repositories as pull requests.
Full documentation about how to contribute is available - http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/trunk/misc/contributing