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3 Posts   940 Views


Community Member, 70 Posts

6 September 2011 at 12:57pm

Sorry to ask such a noob question, but i can't find it in the google or the docs. -

Pages in the cms come with a related pages field - how do i display these in the template.




Community Member, 70 Posts

8 September 2011 at 10:05am

hmm, ok. Still tricky.

what i am doing at the mo is this:

<% control RelatedPages %>
<% end_control %>

But that just outputs: "#2 #3 #4"

So thats probably the id's of the RelatedPageLink table. so, how do i access the page's fields? Is there a way to output all the fields available in a control as a debug thing?




Community Member, 70 Posts

9 September 2011 at 4:58pm

self rescue!

<% if RelatedPages %>
<h3>Related Pages</h3>
<% control RelatedPages %>
<h4><a href='$'>$RelatedPage.Title</a></h4>
<p>$RelatedPage.Content.FirstParagraph </p>
<a href='$'>Read More</a>
<% end_control %>
<% end_if %>