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site on https not working

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2 Posts   1288 Views


Community Member, 244 Posts

11 November 2011 at 3:10pm

Hi there,
got my site all working, but when i go to the https prefix, it says site error.
and if i do ?flush=1 if get "Fatal error: Cannot write manifest file!"

now, i'm using silverstripe-cashe in my public_html folder, with permissions at 777.
the secure path should just display exactly the same the normal http url...

any ideas?



Community Member, 62 Posts

15 November 2011 at 5:30am

Are you sure you are mapped to the same folder in your web host or httpd.config? It seems unlikely that it is a permission difference based solely on protocol. However, depending on the way your web config is set up, you might have the 443 requests ending up in a different root folder (or not defined at all, meaning it will end up in the server's default public folder.)