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3rd Party Comments Disqus Facebook or?

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5 Posts   1364 Views


Community Member, 158 Posts

29 February 2012 at 10:36am

Hi All,

I am thinking of implementing a 3rd party commenting system on my site, looking for opinions. Right now my site is not terribly social and I get like zero traffic. I've seen how a commenting system that integrates social features is good for traffic. There's a larger user base on the FaceBook comments, but I really like the looks of Disqus plus there is already the Disqus module available to SS. Has anyone used the Disqus comments on their site, or the Facebook comments, and can comment (ha! pun intended) on their experience? Which is the better way to go?



Community Member, 158 Posts

29 February 2012 at 11:17am

Edited: 29/02/2012 11:25am

You know I just might be answering my own question here :0)

I've been doing some reading and it seems like users prefer the Disqus commenting to the FB commenting. It also looks like you have plenty of options for logging into Disqus, including FB and Twitter, so why even bother with FB comments? All around it looks better to me. Maybe FB jumped in the pool with their 600 bazillion users, I think I'll go for quality over quantity, Disqus is a better commenting platform for a nicer user experience. Plus the fact that SS already has a Disqus module! SS rocks as usual.

Still, I'd be interested to hear others comments.


Community Member, 130 Posts

29 February 2012 at 1:18pm

I used Disqus without the SS module here and I really like it. Supporting the different sign-in methods as well as anonymous comments and Gravatar support as well as email alerts for replies and a great admin area add up to a really good comment/discussion package. It was super easy to set up straight from the Disqus website but without the SS module you need javascript enabled to see the comments - so if you have the time I'd use the module as I think it caches the comments for each page and will display them even if javascript isn't available. From memory I didn't use it only because I had non-page comment that I wanted people to be able to comment on and I think the module is focused on page objects for commenting.


Community Member, 158 Posts

29 February 2012 at 1:39pm

Edited: 29/02/2012 1:40pm

Wow, that is an really nice site! So much functionality too, incredible. Thanks for the info about using Disqus, it sounds like that is definitely the way I want to go. I think I will use the module as it sounds super easy to set up that way and I really need it only for page comments. Looks like you are even using a widget for recent and popular comments too, that is cool. Thanks again!


Community Member, 175 Posts

1 March 2012 at 6:42am

yes, use disqus, it's the best out there