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[SOLVED] Automatically logout an inactive user

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2 Posts   3355 Views


Community Member, 116 Posts

5 March 2012 at 11:26am


Does anyone know how to log out a user who is inactive, for say 1 hour? This is not just for the CMS, but the frontend too.



Community Member, 116 Posts

5 March 2012 at 12:08pm

Edited: 05/03/2012 1:32pm

Have come up with this solution, seems to work well.

In your Page.php Page_Controller class, set up an init function:

function init() {
parent:: init();

then put this below the init function:

	function logoutInactiveUser() {
		$inactivityLimit = 30; // in Minutes
		$inactivityLimit = $inactivityLimit * 60; // Converted to seconds
		$sessionStart = Session::get('session_start_time');
		if (isset($sessionStart)){
		    $elapsed_time = time() - Session::get('session_start_time');
		    if ($elapsed_time >= $inactivityLimit) {
		        $member = Member::currentUser();
				if($member) $member->logOut();
		        Director::redirect(Director::baseURL() . 'Security/login');
		Session::set('session_start_time', time());