I am having enormous amount of problems with this framework/cms. Any help would be appreciated at this point...
So here is my problems:
I am trying to do something relatively simple: listing the groups that each member belongs to on the member listing page, and then be able to search on these listed member groups.
So that i can could have the search functionality i had to extend the model admin
class CartusModelAdmin extends ModelAdmin{
private static $managed_models = array('CartusMember');
private static $url_segment = "members";
private static $menu_title = "Network Members";
private static $tree_class = 'Group';
private static $subitem_class = 'Member';
private static $allowed_actions = array("SearchForm",'groups');
public $showImportForm = false;
public function getEditForm($id=null,$fields=null){
$form = parent::getEditForm($id, $fields);
$gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName($this->sanitiseClassName($this->modelClass));
$con = $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns');
$con->setDisplayFields(array("Surname"=>"Last Name","Email"=>"Email Address","StatusName"=>"Status","DefaultCartusGroup"=>"Default Group","GroupsAsString"=>"Groups"));
return $form;
public function getSearchContext(){
$search_status = "Active";
$search_groups ="";
if($this->request->getVar('q') != ""){
$q = $this->request->getVar('q');
$search_status = $q['StatusName'];
$search_groups = $q['Groups'];
$context = parent::getSearchContext();
$f = $context->getFields();
$f->push(new ListboxField('q[StatusName]','Status',CartusConfig::$allstatus,$search_status,null,true));
$f->push(new ListboxField('q[Groups]','Groups',DataObject::get("Group")->map('ID','Title')->toArray(),$search_groups,null,true));
$filters = array(
'Email' => new PartialMatchFilter('Email')
,'StatusName' => new ExactMatchFilter('StatusName')
,'Groups' => new ExactMatchFilter('GroupsAsString') //<-- PROBLEM AREA
return $context;
class CartusMemberExtension extends DataExtension {
//public static $allowed_actions = array("SearchForm");
public static $db= array(
"DefaultCartusGroup" => "Varchar(255)"
,"StatusName" =>"Enum('Active,Legacy User,Pending Access,Inactive,Password Locked,Denied,Expired,New Account')"//HAS to match the same order and name as CartusConfig::allstatus property
,"StatusReason" => "Enum('Not in Network,Removed from Network,Client Directed - Limited Restricted Access Supplier,User no longer in Role,User registered in Error,User Not Accessing Site,Cartus Leadership Directed Access Removal')"
private static $summary_fields = array('Surname','Email','StatusName','DefaultCartusGroup','GroupsAsString');
public function updateCMSFields(Fieldlist $fields) {
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main",new DropdownField('DefaultCartusGroup','Default Cartus Group',self::getMemberGroups("val_val"), $multiple=false));
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main",new DropdownField('StatusName','Status',CartusConfig::$allstatus,$multiple=false));
$ff = new DropdownField('StatusReason','Reason',CartusConfig::$allreasons,$multiple=false);
return $fields;
public function getGroupName($id){
$g = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID ='".$id."'");
return $g->getTreeTitle();
public static function getAllGroups(){
return DataObject::get("Group")->map('ID','Title');
public static function getAllGroupsTitleTitle(){
return DataObject::get("Group")->map('Title','Title');
* @param string $type = id_val will return array[$id]=$val while val_val will return array[$val]=$val
* @return multitype:NULL
public function getMemberGroups($type="id_val"){
$id = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->param('ID');
// $member = Member::get()->byID($id);
$arr_grp = array();
if($id != "new"){
$member_groups = permission::groupList($id);
foreach($member_groups as $gid){
$g = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID ='".$gid."'");
if($type =="id_val")
elseif($type =="val_val")
return $arr_grp;
public function getGroupsAsString(){
$g = DB::query("SELECT DISTINCT `Group`.`Title` FROM `Group`
INNER JOIN `Group_Members` AS `GM` ON `GM`.`GroupID` = `Group`.`ID` WHERE `GM`.`MemberID`='".$this->owner->ID."'");
$gg =array();
foreach ($g as $gr){
$gg[] = $gr['Title'];
if (count($gg) ==0) {
return 'no Group';
return implode(', ', $gg);
// or if one field is not enough for you, you can use a foreach loop:
// $teamsArray= array();
// foreach ($this->Teams() as $team) {
// $teamsArray[] = "{$team->ID} {$team->Title}";
// }
// return implode(', ', $teamsArray);
class CartusMember extends Member {
public static $allowed_actions = array("groups");
private static $searchable_fields = array("Email","StatusName");
private static $field_labels = array(
'Surname' => 'Last Name'
,'StatusName' => 'Status'
,'DefaultCartusGroup'=>'Default Group'
static $belongs_many_many = array(
"Groups" => "Group"
private static $summary_fields = array('Surname','Email','StatusName','DefaultCartusGroup','GroupsAsString');
So the CartusMember class which extend the member class managed by the CartusModelAdmin allows me to tie in the GroupsAsString which then gets the groups a user belongs to and make a comma seperated string which then gets inserted into the listing.
Why do i get an error that " the column GroupsAsString is a unknown column in the where clause" If i already tied in the listing page with the group why is it not joined in searchresults?
Maybe i am doing this all wrong.
the end goal for this is:
1. I want to be able to list members with the groups they belong to and
2. search members by groups that they belong to.