I swear I am not making this up, and I think my Mac must just be possessed because I don't know where this is coming from. I wanted to use the default theme 'simple' as a starting point for a new theme, so I just copied the directory and renamed it. So then I flushed the cache and selected the new theme, and something is wrong with 'Layout' for Page.ss, it always returns:
so then I try to debug with ?showtemplate=1 and it returns:
Template: /var/folders/m8/m5bln3qx5nj2q3lg86_8ss6h0000gp/T/silverstripe-cache-Volumes-KFORGE-DEV-apache2-htdocs-silverstripe/keith/.cache.themes.customtheme.framework.tests.view.themes.layouttest.Layout.Page.ss
1 <?php
2 $val .= 'Foo';
I've tried everything, emptying the cache, deleting the cache folder, ?flush=all, even deleting the Page.ss from layout and writing a new one from scratch. Still I get 'Foo'.