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Log In Problems (with IE6?) Help!

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5 Posts   1367 Views


Community Member, 99 Posts

5 August 2009 at 2:01am

Hi there,

Just launched a new site.

Client was reporting that he was unable to log in to admin area with the supplied username / password.

I verified that the account existed and that the client was in fact entering the correct details. Next I tried to log in from my own PC and it was fine.

The problem was that he would go to "" and after attempting to log in, the screen would go white, then he would be returned to the log in page. (But no error message)

I asked him to install the latest FireFox version and everything seemed ok.

However, we now have a problem: we created a staff extranet on the website. All the staff in the entire company are still on IE6 and they are unable to access the restricted pages (exact same problem as above).

I cannot ask him to upgrade all his staff PCs to IE7 / Firefox.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this please?




Community Member, 904 Posts

5 August 2009 at 2:42am

I don't want to sound harsh, but I would tell your client that he should hire and pay somebody for this, if he wants IE6 support. IE 6 is over 8 years old. Nobody can seriously expect that such an old piece of software should still be supported (and there are even free updates/alternatives). Not even Microsoft supports their products that long...


Community Member, 99 Posts

11 August 2009 at 10:41pm

Hi there,

I agree that IE6 really should be upgraded, but I am not sure that it will go down too well if I put it quite like that!!!

Nevertheless, I'm trying to work out why it is that the users experience login problems and if there is anything I can do to fix it?

Can someone help please?




Forum Moderator, 922 Posts

11 August 2009 at 11:08pm

Edited: 11/08/2009 11:12pm

This is a hard one, it's never easy to support such an old browser when all the other ones work fine.

It could be a many number of different things - even simple things like security settings in IE6 - if they're set too high, then Javascript can be blocked, causing the CMS to fail. You may want to ask your client what security policies are set up on their instances of IE6.

There's also one other thing you can try, and that's error email notifications. (if you haven't set that up already)

Example (in mysite/_config.php):

Debug::send_errors_to('', true);

I'd suggest putting that into the code, then deploying it to the live site. Whenever an error occurs, you'll get emailed the error details if they're available. It may help you out, but it's a long shot. Blank screens are never an easy thing to debug!



Community Member, 99 Posts

12 August 2009 at 1:16am

Thanks, I'll take a look at your suggestions and see what comes out of it.