Hi Mediabeast,
This is not the standard way you would work with forms and controllers in silverstripe (usually you post to a method on the same controller as the form is loaded).
I am assuming when you say form actions you mean the html action attribute on the form, not the actions you create via new FormAction()?
If so, by default the html action is set using the Link method on the controller, if you want to change this then you can use the setFormAction() method. For example:
class ProductController extends ContentController {
public function Form() {
$form = Form::create($this, $fields, $actions)
->setFormAction(Controller::join_links(BASE_URL, "route", "formaction"));
BASE_URL is a constant available in Silverstripe
"route" is the path you have specified to your controller
"formaction" is the action name of the Form on your other controller. Be aware that you have to post a form to a Form, the form itself doesn't directly post to the action that processes it, I am not sure why, I am guessing the form is then able to control what data is sent to the action that processes it, which is better for security?
Hope that makes sense?