This is a long shot - but does anyone have a snippet of how to make the firast word of a returned $content bold.
Hope this makes sense.
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This is a long shot - but does anyone have a snippet of how to make the firast word of a returned $content bold.
Hope this makes sense.
It depends on the HTML content of your $Content field, but you should achieve it quite easily with a combination of CSS pseudo-elements :first-child and :first-letter.
Hope it helps,
EDIT: Sorry, this approach is useless, I read too fast… I thought you were talking about the first letter, not the first word.
It is a shame there is no :first-word. Thanks for response though. I will remember this if I need to highlight first letter :)
Its a bit over the top, but you could use javascript/jquery. I am pulling this out of ass a bit, but I imiagine it would be something like:
// Assuming your content container div has a class of Layout and
// your first element within that is a p tag. This returns the first para
// as an array split by a space character.
textString = $('div.Layout p:first').text().split(' ');
// Now get the first word from that array and add strong tags
firstWord = '<strong>' + textString.slice(0,1) + '</strong>';
// Create variable for reassembled para
reassemble = '';
// Loop through each item in the array, and add you bold word in place of the first item.
for (i = 0; i < textString.length; i++) {
if(i == 0)
reassemble += firstWord + ' ';
reassemble += textString + ' ';
$('div.Layout p:first').text(reassemble);
I am sure there is a more efficient way of doing this (probably involving a regex), but its far to late for that :).
Thanks Mo. i will try this and let you know :)
I found out a regex function that will work for Pages. Thanks to UC @
New Field on Class "Page" in page.php
Get the first word
function NewField_FirstWord(){
list($Field_Split) = explode(' ', $this->NewField); //Found on the PHP Manual Website
return $Field_Split;
function NewField_AllButFirstWord(){
list($Field_Split) = explode(' ', $this->NewField);
return preg_replace("/$Field_Split/", '', $this->NewField, 1); //Preg includes a count at the end, for PHP 5.0+
Your NewField can be Content, Title, or whatever new field.
just call
If $Content is a HTMLText, you should consider strip_tags before.
function Content() {
$content = $this->Content;
$content_plain = trim(strip_tags($content));
$content_1st = current(explode(" ",$content_plain));
$content = preg_replace("/$content_1st/", "<strong>$content_1st</strong>", $content, 1);
return $content;
Here is another way to get first word, second word, etc:
public function MenuTitleFirstWord() {
if ( str_word_count($this->MenuTitle) == 0 ) {
return null;
} else {
return str_word_count($this->MenuTitle,1)[0];
public function MenuTitleSecondWord() {
if ( str_word_count($this->MenuTitle) <= 1 ) {
return null;
} else {
return str_word_count($this->MenuTitle,1)[1];
LimitWordCount for StringField may also be useful: