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how do i link to a page from my entry page???

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2 Posts   950 Views


Community Member, 135 Posts

31 October 2009 at 3:22pm

I just need to link to a page on my site.

I have a home page with one link "click here to enter". Just want to link to a page that is on the same level as my home page. can't believe I can not work this out.

Do not want to include all of menu1 on entry. I know this must be basic. please help.


Community Member, 135 Posts

31 October 2009 at 3:42pm

found solution. this works fine from previous post

Re: How to create a link to an id Link to this post

30 May 2009 at 3:17pm

Hi there,

I don't know if there's a better way of doing it, but I put a function in my Page.php..

function GetLinkFromID($id = 1) {
$do = DataObject::get_one('Page', '`SiteTree_Live`.ID = '.$id, true);
return ($do->URLSegment);

This will return the link to any page (or class extending page).
In your template you'd have something along the lines of

<a href="$GetLinkFromID(12)">

where 12 is obviously the id of the page you're wanting to link to.

If you're within a <% control %> loop, you may need to use $Top.GetLinkFromID(12)

Hope that helps.

If you found a better way of doing it I'd be interested to hear.