I am helping a friend add the Google Tag Manager code snippet into each page of his website. He paid someone to create his website, but he was given full admin privileges which I now have. When I go to the page editor and click the little "html" button, the only code I find is the written content for the webpage starting with <p>. I know you are supposed to paste the code snippet directly after the <body> tag, but would it work if I paste it into the first line of content code instead?
I only ask this because for the life of me I cannot find where the <heading> and <body> tags are. I figure they are in some sort of .ss theme or template, but the only files I see in the CMS are photos for the background and galleries. On the CMS menu I see the following:
Hi Admin (With log out button)
I went through all of them but found nothing on the template or theme. Is this something that only the original person who created the site can access or am I looking in the wrong place.
I greatly appreciate any help you all can supply!